- API documentation
Documentation class
For build
, dev
and preview
documentation pages
new Docs()
new Docs(conf?: DocsConfig, opts?: DocsParams): Docs
Parameter | Type |
conf ? | DocsConfig |
opts ? | DocsParams |
build(flags?: string[]): Promise<void>
Builds the documentation site.
This command is a wrapper of the npx vitepress build
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags ? | string [] | Flags to pass to the underlying vitepress build command. This allows for customization and control over the build process. |
dev(flags?: string[]): Promise<void>
Starts the development server.
This command is a wrapper of the npx vitepress dev
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags ? | string [] | Flags to pass to the underlying vitepress dev command. The --force flag is always passed to ensure the server starts without prompting the user. |
preview(flags?: string[]): Promise<void>
Starts the preview server.
This command is a wrapper of the npx vitepress preview
Parameter | Type | Description |
flags ? | string [] | Flags to pass to the underlying vitepress preview command. This allows for customization and control over the preview process. |
Property | Type |
config | undefined | DocsConfig |
opts | DocsParams |
outputReplaced | { start : () => void ; stop : () => void ; } |
outputReplaced.start | () => void |
outputReplaced.stop | () => void |
function defineConfig(...config: (DocsConfig | DocsConfig[])[]): DocsConfig
Defines a configuration object for the dovenv documentation plugin.
Parameter | Type | Description |
...config | (DocsConfig | DocsConfig [])[] | The configuration object. |
The defined configuration object.
function docsPlugin(conf?: DocsPluginConfig): Config
Define a dovenv
configuration that creates a documentation site for your workspace.
Parameter | Type | Description |
conf ? | DocsPluginConfig | The configuration object. |
The dovenv configuration object.
function getPkgConfig(pkgData: JSONSchemaForNPMPackageJsonFiles): Promise<DocsConfig>
Extracts and constructs documentation configuration from package JSON data.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pkgData | JSONSchemaForNPMPackageJsonFiles | The package JSON data object. |
A promise that resolves to a DocsConfig
object containing extracted configuration details like funding URL, bugs URL, license, homepage URL, description, name, version, and contributors.
Type Aliases
type DocsConfig: {
autoSidebar: {
about: boolean;
contribute: boolean;
intro: boolean;
reference: boolean;
bugsURL: string;
changelogURL: string;
contributingURL: string;
contributors: {
actionText: string;
avatar: string;
desc: string;
links: SocialLinks;
name: string;
org: string;
orgLink: string;
sponsor: string;
title: string;
css: string;
desc: string;
docsPath: string;
download: {
groups: {};
items: {};
experimental: {
noTempDirOnBuild: boolean;
favicon: string;
footer: {
copy: {
name: string;
url: string;
links: {
email: string;
instagram: string;
medium: string;
twitter: string;
web: string;
fundingURL: string;
input: string;
lang: string;
license: {
type: string;
url: string;
links: Links;
logo: string;
moreURL: string;
name: string;
nav: Nav;
navLinks: SocialLinks;
npmURL: string;
og: {
description: string;
image: string;
siteName: string;
title: string;
twitterAccount: string;
url: string;
oldVersions: {
name: string;
url: string;
output: string;
pwa: Partial<VitePWAOptions> | false;
repoURL: string;
rss: RSSOptions;
server: {
hotReloadFiles: string[];
restartFiles: string[];
shortDesc: string;
sidebar: Sidebar;
styles: {
color: {
dark: Colors;
fourth: string;
light: Colors;
primary: string;
secondary: string;
terciary: string;
radius: string;
url: string;
version: string;
vitepress: UserConfig;
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
autoSidebar ? | { about : boolean ; contribute : boolean ; intro : boolean ; reference : boolean ; } | Active or desactivated sidebar autogenerated |
autoSidebar.about ? | boolean | Display the "About" section in the sidebar. Default true |
autoSidebar.contribute ? | boolean | Display the "Contribute" section in the sidebar. Default true |
autoSidebar.intro ? | boolean | Display the "Get started" section in the sidebar. Default true |
autoSidebar.reference ? | boolean | Display the "Reference" section in the sidebar. Default true |
bugsURL ? | string | URL for the project's issue tracker or bug reports. |
changelogURL ? | string | CHANGELOG url of the project. |
contributingURL ? | string | contributing url of the project. |
contributors ? | { actionText : string ; avatar : string ; desc : string ; links : SocialLinks ; name : string ; org : string ; orgLink : string ; sponsor : string ; title : string ; }[] | Contributors information including their details and social links. |
css ? | string | Custom CSS for the documentation site. |
desc ? | string | - |
docsPath ? | string | Path to the documentation files. Used for editLink in pages Default 'docs' |
download ? | { groups : {}; items : {}; } | Data related to downloads and version releases. |
download.groups ? | {} | Optional grouping of download items by category. Each key in the object represents a group name and maps to a string label. Example { * "extension": "extension", * "app": "app", * } |
download.items ? | {} | Optional list of downloadable items, where each key represents an item identifier. Each item includes details such as name, URL, and optionally a logo and type. |
experimental ? | { noTempDirOnBuild : boolean ; } | Settings for experimental options. Use at your own risk |
experimental.noTempDirOnBuild ? | boolean | Disable temp directory during compilation. The temp directory is used to store documentation files in the output directory during the compilation process. Used to allow input paths with '../' Default false |
favicon ? | string | Favicon URL for the documentation site. Default '/favicon.png' |
footer ? | { copy : { name : string ; url : string ; }; links : { email : string ; instagram : string ; medium : string ; twitter : string ; web : string ; }; } | Footer configuration with links and copyright information. |
footer.copy ? | { name : string ; url : string ; } | Copyright information for the project. |
footer.copy.name ? | string | Name to display in copyright notices. |
footer.copy.url ? | string | URL for the copyright holder or organization. |
footer.links ? | { email : string ; instagram : string ; medium : string ; twitter : string ; web : string ; } | Links to various social platforms or contact methods. |
footer.links.email ? | string | Email link for contacting the project or organization. |
footer.links.instagram ? | string | Instagram link for the project or organization. |
footer.links.medium ? | string | Medium link for articles or blogs related to the project. |
footer.links.twitter ? | string | Twitter link for the project or organization. |
footer.links.web ? | string | Website link for the project or organization. |
fundingURL ? | string | URL for funding or sponsorship of the project. |
input ? | string | Input directory for documentation files. Default './docs' |
lang ? | string | Language code for the documentation, e.g., 'en' for English. Default 'en' |
license ? | { type : string ; url : string ; } | License information for the project. |
license.type ? | string | Type of license (e.g., MIT, GPL). Default 'MIT' |
license.url ? | string | URL to the full license text. |
links ? | Links | Additional links to display in a special page. |
logo ? | string | Logo URL for the documentation site. Default '/logo.png' |
moreURL ? | string | Additional URL for more resources or links related to the project. |
name ? | string | Name of the project or documentation. Default 'DOVENV' |
nav ? | Nav | Navigation configuration for links at the top of the documentation. |
navLinks ? | SocialLinks | Additional navigation links. Icons IDs: https://simpleicons.org/ |
npmURL ? | string | NPM package URL for the project. |
og ? | { description : string ; image : string ; siteName : string ; title : string ; twitterAccount : string ; url : string ; } | Open Graph meta tags for better link previews on social media. |
og.description ? | string | Description for the Open Graph metadata. |
og.image ? | string | Image URL for the Open Graph metadata. |
og.siteName ? | string | Site name for Open Graph metadata. |
og.title ? | string | Title for the Open Graph metadata. |
og.twitterAccount ? | string | Twitter account associated with the site. |
og.url ? | string | URL for the site, used in Open Graph metadata. |
oldVersions ? | { name : string ; url : string ; }[] | Array of previous versions of the project, each with a name and a URL. |
output ? | string | Output directory for the built documentation. Default './build' |
pwa ? | Partial <VitePWAOptions > | false | Configuration options for PWA (Progressive Web App) support. |
repoURL ? | string | Repository URL for the project. |
rss ? | RSSOptions | Configuration options for RSS feed. |
server ? | { hotReloadFiles : string []; restartFiles : string []; } | Server-related configurations, including file watching settings. |
server.hotReloadFiles ? | string [] | Files that trigger a hot reload on changes. |
server.restartFiles ? | string [] | Files that trigger a server restart on changes. |
shortDesc ? | string | A shorter version of the description for better display. |
sidebar ? | Sidebar | Sidebar configuration for navigation within the documentation. |
styles ? | { color : { dark : Colors ; fourth : string ; light : Colors ; primary : string ; secondary : string ; terciary : string ; }; radius : string ; } | Custom styles for the documentation site. |
styles.color ? | { dark : Colors ; fourth : string ; light : Colors ; primary : string ; secondary : string ; terciary : string ; } | Color scheme for the documentation site. |
styles.color.dark ? | Colors | Dark mode colors for the theme. |
styles.color.fourth ? | string | Fourth color for the theme. |
styles.color.light ? | Colors | Light mode colors for the theme. |
styles.color.primary ? | string | Primary color for the theme. |
styles.color.secondary ? | string | Secondary color for the theme. |
styles.color.terciary ? | string | Tertiary color for the theme. |
styles.radius ? | string | Border radius for elements in the theme. |
url ? | string | URL of the project or documentation site. |
version ? | string | Version of the project. |
vitepress ? | UserConfig | VitePress user configuration for additional options. |
type DocsPluginConfig: DocsConfig | (config?: DovenvConfig) => Promise<DocsConfig>;
Renames and re-exports docsPlugin